


Windows add so much to our home. They make it feel warm, inviting and spacious. They also allow harmful rays, uncomfortable heat and blinding light in too. Let us find the right product for you.

Save on Energy Costs, Summer and Winter!

Reducing the amount of heat coming into your home during the summer is critical to maintaining a comfortable space but it is also crucial to keeping your bills low! Air conditioning is fantastic but it can use a lot of power. Depending on the temperature you have set in your home or workspace, you can reduce your energy usage by over 50% just by adding window film to the glass!
Window film not only allows your air conditioner to keep your space cooler but it also allows it to take a break! This lowers maintenance costs and power consumption, saving you money!

What about winter? Great question! Most of our window films increase the efficiency of your glass in the winter as well! The same way it keeps the cool air in your home in the summer, the window film works to keep heat in your home and not allow it to escape. Generally you can expect to see the efficiency of your home increase between ten and twenty percent! This allows your furnace to run less and decreases your energy bills once again! Talk about the best of both worlds, window films work for your home or workspace all year round!

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Yes, window film can be installed on any window, provided the glass is flat and not textured.

This depends on your preferences. During the consultation process, we’ll consider your comfort levels and ensure that your windows are tinted to your desired level. If you prefer to keep your space darker, we offer various levels of tint; however, if you’re hoping to brighten your space, we can provide a film that filters UV rays and heat without sacrificing natural light.

Yes, by blocking heat from penetrating your windows, you’ll have less need to run your air conditioning and as a result, energy costs may be dramatically reduced.

The answer to this depends on the size of your home and the complexity of the job, but most installations can be completed in less than a day.

No, we also offer etched films which are designed for interior use on French doors, showers, and other interior glass. We have a variety of design options to suit any needs and style.

Typically, window films are applied to the interior surface of windows. However, there are window films designed to be applied to the exterior of windows in special circumstances, such as when there’s limited access to the interior surface or triple-pane windows.

Windows with film applied can be easily cleaned without damaging their appearance, provided a few guidelines are followed. Interior films should be washed with a non-abrasive cleaner such as Windex or vinegar water and a soft, microfibre cloth. Exterior windows should be hosed off before cleaning and then wiped down using the same method.

Live it. Love it. Protect it.

UV Protected Residential Window Film
UV Protection

UV is the harmful invisible rays that harm your skin and is the largest contributor to fading and damage to furniture and floors. VISTA Solar Control Films offer the best in UV protection, blocking 99.9% of all UV entering your home, protecting you, and keeping your floors and furniture looking new!

Solar Control Residential Window Tinting Film

Make your home more comfortable with our Llumar and VISTA Solar Control products. Blinds or curtains still allow heat to seep into your home, overworking your AC. Llumar and VISTA Film products can keep the temperature in your home down during the summer months and retain heat during winter, reducing your energy bills and maintaining a pleasant environment.

Solar Control Residential Window Film

Glare is there rain or shine, whether you are trying to make your morning coffee or watch the game. Llumar and Vista Solar Control Films come in many different shades of tint to reduce glare. Depending on your specific needs or interior style, we have tints that range from bronze to blue, and greys to earth tones.